Thursday, January 24, 2013

We Aren't Cyborgs...Yet!

Ian (with his face next to my belly, speaking in a low, monotone voice): "Hello baby...this is your daddy. Don't worry. I am not scary or a robot...."

Monday, September 3, 2012

My Husband, The Genius.

I: Man, I am so awake right now even though I hardly slept last night and had a long day of driving and the beach!

G: Well, you did take that little nap in the car.

I: That was only like 20 minutes!

G: Yeah, but maybe that is all you needed! I mean, Leonardo Da Vinci did that.

I: Did what?

G: You know, he didn't sleep normal hours and slept in 20 and 30-minute intervals.

I: (Looks at me) Are you saying you think I'm just like Da Vinci?! Because that is a totally logical connection.

G: Ummmmm......(laughs)

I: I am hearing in your laugh you don't really think that.  That's sad, that you don't have confidence in me.

...the moral of the story is that my husband is EXACTLY like Leonardo Da Vinci. OBVIOUSLY.

Friday, June 1, 2012

He Don't Forget Stuff Neither.

The following was randomly inserted into weekend conversation about grocery shopping or something.

Ian: "Oh yeah so I found out there IS a Carrows over on Sepulveda by that Petco."

Gaby (excited voice): "Oh yeah? We should go."

...back to our normally scheduled programming...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Marriage is a Competition

On the way to dinner...

Ian: "I forgot to put my [wedding] ring back on. How about you take your ring off too and we can compete to see how many people hit on us."

Friday, May 18, 2012

He Doesn't Let You Get Away With Anything!

"For someone who doesn't like a lot of clutter, you sure do buy a lot of crap."

(In response to whether we should keep the steel-grate-pot-putter-onner-thing I just bought from Ikea)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

High Class DInner

Discussion about dinner:

G: I wish we had a Coco's or a Carrows or something like that nearby. Not a Denny's though.
I: Yeah! Something more 'high class' (said with head wobble)